Idacorp, Inc. (IDA) Dividend History

Idacorp Inc. is an electric public utility company. The company is engaged in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy primarily in the areas including southern Idaho, eastern Oregon and northern Nevada. The company relies heavily on hydroelectric power for its generating needs and is one of the nation's few investor-owned utilities with a predominantly hydro base. The company's principal commercial and industrial customers include lodges, condominiums, and ski lifts and related facilities.

Last update 12/11/2023

Dividend Yield Summary

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dividends 2.56 2.72 2.88 3.04 3.20 -
Average Price 102.91 93.01 100.77 107.38 102.40 -
Yield 2.49% 2.92% 2.86% 2.83% 3.12% -
• The above Dividend, Average Price, and Yield values for 2024 are year-to-date.

Dividend Dates

Ex Dividend Date 2023-10-31
Dividend Pay Date

DivInfo Metrics ™

52-Week Projected Earnings Per Share 5.36
52-Week Projected Dividends Per Share 3.16
Dividend Cover 1.70 : 1
52-Week Projected Yield 3.17%
52-Week Trailing Yield 0.86%
6-Year Average Yield 2.84%
6-Year Dividend Change 23.44%
6-Year Yearly Dividend Change 3.91%
Number of Dividend Payments (2003-02-03 - 2023-10-31) 79

Dividend History

Date Amount Per Share Note
2023-10-31 $0.83
2023-08-01 $0.79
2023-05-02 $0.79
2023-02-03 $0.79
2022-11-01 $0.79
2022-08-02 $0.75
2022-05-02 $0.75
2022-02-02 $0.75
2021-11-04 $0.75
2021-08-04 $0.71
2021-05-04 $0.71
2021-02-04 $0.71
2020-11-04 $0.71
2020-08-04 $0.67
2020-05-04 $0.67
2020-02-04 $0.67
2019-11-04 $0.67
2019-08-02 $0.63
2019-05-03 $0.63
2019-02-04 $0.63
2018-11-02 $0.63
2018-08-03 $0.59
2018-05-04 $0.59
2018-02-02 $0.59
2017-11-03 $0.59
2017-08-04 $0.55
2017-05-03 $0.55
2017-02-02 $0.55
2016-11-03 $0.55
2016-08-03 $0.51
2016-05-03 $0.51
2016-02-03 $0.51
2015-11-03 $0.51
2015-08-03 $0.47
2015-05-01 $0.47
2015-02-03 $0.47
2014-11-03 $0.47
2014-08-01 $0.43
2014-05-02 $0.43
2014-02-03 $0.43
2013-11-04 $0.43
2013-08-02 $0.38
2013-05-03 $0.38
2013-02-04 $0.38
2012-11-01 $0.38
2012-08-02 $0.33
2012-05-03 $0.33
2012-02-02 $0.33
2011-11-03 $0.30
2011-08-03 $0.30
2011-05-03 $0.30
2011-02-03 $0.30
2010-08-30 $0.30
2010-06-01 $0.30
2010-03-01 $0.30
2009-11-30 $0.30
2008-09-02 $0.30
2008-05-30 $0.30
2008-02-01 $0.30
2007-11-01 $0.30
2007-08-02 $0.30
2007-05-03 $0.30
2007-02-01 $0.30
2006-11-02 $0.30
2006-08-03 $0.30
2006-05-03 $0.30
2006-02-02 $0.30
2005-11-03 $0.30
2005-08-03 $0.30
2005-05-03 $0.30
2005-02-03 $0.30
2004-11-03 $0.30
2004-08-03 $0.30
2004-05-03 $0.30
2004-02-03 $0.30
2003-11-03 $0.30
2003-08-01 $0.47
2003-05-01 $0.47
2003-02-03 $0.47